Turn customers into ambassadors

All your digital content in one centralised hub. Promote your latest content, job post, website, post, and more to your customers in one single place.

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PAJO mobile app with social media channels.

Promote all your social media profiles

Connecting customers to your brand has never been easier. Create connections and increase brand awareness as you see your customers form a relationship with your brand.

Social media

Share your social media profiles in one centralised overview which makes it easy for customers to follow you online.


Share links to your website, blog, or other external links such as mentions in other publications and more.

Ui snippet to switch on or off links.

Your digital content,
promoted inside your location

Blog articles

Share your latest blog articles and keep customers up to date on your latest brand information.

News articles

Mention news and magazine articles your brand has been featured in.


Point customers to your website or any other page on the web like third party surveys etc.

Social media

Share all social media channels and turn customers into followers on autopilot.

Job postings

Promote and showcase open job vacancies on LinkedIn or other job portals.

Contact us

Provide an email address for your customers to contact your customer service.