Self-service product discovery

Bring variants, specifications, audio guides and more to your customers' fingertips. Meld digital and physical product experiences to educate and inform customers at their own convenience.

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Ui snippet with event module.

7 out of 10 shoppers

look for information and reviews on their mobile phones, skipping store associates. PAJO helps you mitigate misinformation, reduce exposure to your competition and increase in-store conversion.

Enrich brand & product information with PAJO AI

Connect your Shopify account and watch PAJO AI extract and enrich product information your customers can read and listen to.

Product guides

Use our AI or create custom guides with our text-to-speech technology.


Highlight product specifications your customers should know about.

Spacing Viewed. Scanned. Bought.

The self-service customer journey.

Make your brand stand out

Link other content types such as Coupons, Events or Stories to products or entire categories and provide truly immersive customer experiences.